



Annual Rummage Sale - May 15-17


Annual Rummage Sale - May 15-17 〰️


Our Mission

The Open Door exists to empower followers of Jesus to develop a lifestyle modeled in the way of the Kingdom.

How We Fulfill the Mission

Compassion. We engage in acts of compassion to remind people of their high value. Many live with the mindset that their worth only comes from what they produce. Our hope is for others to feel valued regardless of their situation.

Prayer. We pray for others as a means of support. The cycles of life can be overwhelming physically, spiritually, and emotionally. We interact with Divine Awareness and Presence on behalf of one another because we love one another.

Relationships. We intentionally strive for healthier relationships. Relationships are difficult, and working to improve those relationships starts with self-awareness. Through self-awareness, we can understand each other’s needs.

The Open Door is a safe space to rediscover yourself in Jesus. We’re all doing the best we can to make sense of all this, and having others surrounding us who deal with the same complexities of life makes the journey of faith that much better.


The Open Door is a safe space to rediscover yourself in Jesus.



Everyone is working the best they can with what they have. We all have a history we pull from to understand our present world. We’ve been lied to, mistreated, and made to feel low. If Jesus redeems us, he must redeem us from all of it. Stress, anxiety, and depression are a constant, leaving us feeling like we’re running in circles and getting nowhere. If Jesus is the way, he must provide a new path. Our pasts can dictate our sense of self. We second-guess ourselves because we don’t feel fully confident. If Jesus saves, then he must save every part of us.

Not having all the answers is normal. Feeling lost in life is normal. Feeling like you can’t do anything right is normal. Doubting yourself is normal. The good news is that you’re not broken, you’re normal. Jesus came for normal people.

It gets better.

Jesus not only came for normal people, but he wants to change the world through normal people. People just like you, like all of us. Relax, take a deep breath, and be reminded that you are deeply loved by Eternal Love, and you are surrounded by a bunch of holy people who walk with a permanent limp.

Jesus is the true Open Door to anyone who would want to come in and feel normal for once.
