What We Believe

The Open Door is a Church of the Nazarene. Follow this link to find out more about the Nazarene Church's doctrines and beliefs.

What Sundays Look Like

Jeans, shorts, dresses, khakis, t-shirts, flannels, dress shirts, or pajamas. We don’t stress over how you’re dressed.

We start out with a welcome, some announcements, a couple of pre-recorded songs, and a message. We also participate in Sunday Connections. These are:

  • 1st Sunday Communion - Remembering Jesus’ gift of salvation

  • 2nd Sunday Confession - Admitting our need for continual grace

  • 3rd Sunday Prayer - Supporting each other as a community

  • 4th Sunday Co-Missioning - Embracing our call as missionaries

  • 5th Sunday Celebration - Celebrating us with a shared meal (when applicable)

For children, on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays, we have Children’s Church after the message (during Sunday School). The kids stay with the church community during the message.

We have Sunday School on the same weeks directly after the message.


Our Team

Pastor Dave Brock

Pastor Dave Brock arrived here on August 16, 2010. He is happily married to Rochelle and has four children: Jared, Levi, Nathan, and Isaac. He received his undergrad from Bethel University in his native Mishawaka, Indiana, and a Master of Arts in Pastoral Leadership from Olivet Nazarene University. Before coming to Lowell, Pastor Dave served youth for 11 years, full-time and part-time.  He also currently works full-time at Olivet Nazarene University.

Pastor Dave is passionate about seeing ordinary people rise up in their faith and embrace their role as a disciple of Jesus Christ.  He believes that the church is perfectly equipped to enter our world and begin the journey of reconciliation between each other, creation, and the Creator. He believes that the greatest outreach tool that could ever exist is to have the Spirit of God come to life in people, enabling them to live out the disciple lifestyle every day.




Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before. Many say exploration is part of our destiny, but it’s actually our duty to future generations and their quest to ensure the survival of the human species.




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Our Local History

The legacy of our local church extends back to June 1914. Reverend Warren Jones was an evangelist who conducted “tent meetings” (church under a tent) and formed the Lowell First Church of the Nazarene with 13 charter members. After Reverend Jones left, the church continued to meet in people’s homes, storefronts, and other locations for the next 20 years.

In 1934, the church had its first pastor, Mrs. Florence Lewis.  Then, in 1936, the church was officially organized under the leadership of Rev. Fry.  Land was purchased in 1939 at the corner of Clark St. and Jefferson in downtown Lowell.  With plans underway to construct a building (built by the church members), services were held in the lower-level auditorium once the basement was finished. In 1942, the building was finished and dedicated.  All this happened under the ministry of Rev. Wesche.

In 1968, land was purchased, and Rev. Hansen oversaw the construction of our current building.  In May 1974, the building was finished and dedicated.

In 2022, the church updated its name from the Lowell First Church of the Nazarene to The Open Door. We believe everyone deserves love and a safe place to grow.